Of the Eyes of the One who Gave the Order to Fire

Submitted to Creative Writing Class on March, 2019


It is almost seven, Hoseok needs to hurry home before something bad can happen. The street lamps flicker as he walks, it almost like they give a precautionary yell silently. It is nobody’s fault, really. He doesn’t really want to be dragged on the meetings, but one of his classmate’s speech to him was really moving and impressive. He knew he would regret his decision later, but, now, he has to go home very quickly.

Hoseok’s house is the furthest from all his friend’s on the meeting he has attended earlier. He is glad he brings his bicycle, or else he wouldn’t be at home on time. It is almost seven; he thinks it maybe five seconds to it when Hoseok finally arrives in front of his house. His sister doesn’t lock the front gate yet, bless her, so Hoseok clumsily makes his way inside. His left foot is barely inside when the siren somewhere starts to blast.

“Hoseok-ah!” His mother whispers when he enters the house. “Where have you been?”

“I’m sorry, Ma. Some friends hold me up for a chat.”

“You’re not up to something, are you?”

“No, Ma, I will not.” Hoseok’s tone is reassuring, or, at least, he tries to be. “I surely disagree with all these commotions, but I don’t want to make you sad, so, yeah, I’m trying to not involved.”

His mother eyes him for a while and she sighs. “I am afraid, Hoseok-ah, you and Dawon are old enough to be mistaken as a part of the protesters. I kept thinking—”

“No, Ma. I’ll stay out of trouble.” Hoseok smiles. “I will be coming home every day. I won’t be involved, okay?”

His mother sighs into Hoseok’s shoulder when he pulls her into a hug.

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A New Year Resolution?

It was the new year night. The gunshot was concealed by the sounds of fireworks. It was classic; nobody would hear that, nobody would notice the difference. Even though it was night, he barely needed his torch. The sky was full with fireworks, one after another, blasting in the middle of nothingness. It was beautiful, but he barely saw it. He was busy crying after the dead body.

His glasses were reflecting the firework’s color. Red, green, red, blue. They were flashing one by one, like the colored spotlight on the stage. This was indeed a stage, he thought. This was the stage when the main character was dead, and he himself was both the villain and the victim. He killed this body, but he mourned it as well.

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Trilogi Ke : #1 Kejatuhan

Hari itu tanggal tiga November. Aku sedang berjalan ke kamarku di lantai dua asrama ketika aku terpeleset dan mematahkan leherku. Saat itu hujan deras sedang turun sehingga tidak ada yang mendengar suara berdebum tubuhku yang jatuh ke dasar tangga.

Entah bagaimana, aku terjatuh dengan posisi kepala berada di dasar tangga, dan kakiku masih berada di tangga. Yah, gampangnya aku berada dalam posisi terbalik; kepala di bawah, kaki di atas. Lucu sekali bagaimana aku melihat darah yang bercampur dengan air hujan mengalir dari dalam tubuhku, menyebar ke lantai, membuat noda menggenang yang berwarna merah terang. Dari sudut mataku aku melihat tanganku yang tertekuk dengan aneh. Mungkin tanganku patah juga. Entahlah. Aku sudah mati rasa sejak kehujanan tadi.

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The Sakura

What if everyone wants to die? The thought emerged in Luce’s mind. He just saw one of the youngsters died this noon; hit by a large deep blue container truck, and flawlessly burst into sakura petals.

It was abnormally beautiful, if he set aside the hit-and-run accident and the death of that kid as well. It was like a scene in those animated movie; his head was turning into sakura petals right when the kid’s head hit the truck. His whole body followed afterward.

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Waktu itu, jalanan Jakal sedang ramai-ramainya. Maklum, malam minggu. Namun lucunya jalanan depan Mirota Kampus tidak terlalu ramai. Namun bukan itu yang ingin aku ceritakan.

Aku duduk di salah satu warung makan di sebelah barat Grha Sabha Pramana. Aku ingat betul aroma nasi goreng yang menguar dari wajan. Aku duduk menghadap timur, dan sudah jelas aku bisa memandang GSP dari sebelah sini.

Ada yang aneh. Kemarin, waktu aku pulang dari kampus, aku ingat betul warna lampu-lampu bulat yang berjajar mengitari GSP. Oranye, bukan? Aku yakin benar warnanya oranye, bukan putih, apalagi biru.

Tapi malam ini warna lampunya merah. Merah terang, seperti kalau kau menumpahkan cat merah ke bulatan-bulatan lampu.

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